
: 結果 1 18 總共 18
20121126--Making Vows to Create Blessings and Develop Wisdom(願增智慧再造福) 20121126--Making Vows to Create Blessings and Develop Wisdom(願增智慧再造福) 月亮27-11-20122
20120302 --- Inspiring Love in People with Compassion and Wisdom (善入佛慧達諸法) 20120302 --- Inspiring Love in People with Compassion and Wisdom (善入佛慧達諸法) 如意03-03-20121
20120301 --- Respecting All Life with Love and Compassion (萬物相依並相生)20120301 --- Respecting All Life with Love and Compassion (萬物相依並相生)如意03-03-20121
20120212 --- The Bodhisattva Spirit of Doctors in Tzu Chi (仁醫發揮四良能)20120212 --- The Bodhisattva Spirit of Doctors in Tzu Chi (仁醫發揮四良能)如意13-02-20121
20110623 --- Caring for All Life with Love and Respect (應機度眾導正行)20110623 --- Caring for All Life with Love and Respect (應機度眾導正行)如意24-06-20111
20110622 --- Finding the True Value of Life (真實人生之寶)20110622 --- Finding the True Value of Life (真實人生之寶)如意23-06-20111
20110411 --- Practicing Precepts, Samadhi, and Wisdom (拂拭心鏡戒定慧)20110411 --- Practicing Precepts, Samadhi, and Wisdom (拂拭心鏡戒定慧)如意03-05-20111
20110409 --- Helping the Quake Affectees in Myanmar (一念虔誠佑災黎)20110409 --- Helping the Quake Affectees in Myanmar (一念虔誠佑災黎)如意02-05-20111
20110408 --- Giving Rise to Good Thoughts to Mitigate Disasters (儉樸生活能補天)20110408 --- Giving Rise to Good Thoughts to Mitigate Disasters (儉樸生活能補天)如意02-05-20111
20110407 --- Finding the Pure Land in Our Mind (佛國淨土永不毀)20110407 --- Finding the Pure Land in Our Mind (佛國淨土永不毀)如意28-04-20111
20110419 --- Cleansing Our Minds with the Water of Dharma (建立心靈的道場)20110419 --- Cleansing Our Minds with the Water of Dharma (建立心靈的道場)如意26-04-20112
20110405 --- The Meaning of Tomb Sweeping Day (智德傳家勿忘本)20110405 --- The Meaning of Tomb Sweeping Day (智德傳家勿忘本)如意26-04-20111
20110412 --- Respecting All Life by Adopting a Vegetarian Diet (醫王勸素斷病源)20110412 --- Respecting All Life by Adopting a Vegetarian Diet (醫王勸素斷病源)如意25-04-20111
20110415 --- Finding Peace and Ease Through Giving with Joy (為善喜樂‧輕安自在)20110415 --- Finding Peace and Ease Through Giving with Joy (為善喜樂‧輕安自在)如意20-04-20111
20110414 --- The Importance of Having Correct Views (改往修來向菩提)20110414 --- The Importance of Having Correct Views (改往修來向菩提)如意18-04-20111
20110413 --- Bringing Peace to Society Through Love (寓言故事義深遠)20110413 --- Bringing Peace to Society Through Love (寓言故事義深遠)如意17-04-20111
20110328 --- Gathering the Love of Everyone to Help the People in Japan (合心造福,里仁為美)20110328 --- Gathering the Love of Everyone to Help the People in Japan (合心造福,里仁為美)如意05-04-20111
20110324 --- Reaching Out Far and Wide to Relieve Suffering (菩薩馳援無疆界)20110324 --- Reaching Out Far and Wide to Relieve Suffering (菩薩馳援無疆界)如意29-03-20112
新的主題 結果 1 18 總共 18