
: 結果 1 100 總共 109
20140507 推己及人惜資源 Taking Care of Our Minds for a Better World20140507 推己及人惜資源 Taking Care of Our Minds for a Better World王慮怡15-05-20140
20140315 身心平安最大富Peace and Stability Bring True Blessings in Life20140315 身心平安最大富Peace and Stability Bring True Blessings in Life王慮怡17-03-20140
20140128 普天之下是一家  A Time of Gratitude and Love 20140128 普天之下是一家 A Time of Gratitude and Love 王慮怡30-01-20140
20131127  日出而作 清淨淡泊Recycling to Mitigate Disasters 20131127 日出而作 清淨淡泊Recycling to Mitigate Disasters 王慮怡03-12-20130
20130805 孝親行善諸事安 Correct Views and Behaviors for the Seventh Lunar Month20130805 孝親行善諸事安 Correct Views and Behaviors for the Seventh Lunar Month王慮怡08-08-20130
20130713 願學菩薩護眾生 Aspiring to be a Bodhisattva to Guide Living Beings20130713 願學菩薩護眾生 Aspiring to be a Bodhisattva to Guide Living Beings王慮怡14-07-20130
 20130711 入群歷練秉初心 Taking in the Dharma and Living It Out 20130711 入群歷練秉初心 Taking in the Dharma and Living It Out王慮怡11-07-20130
20130630 環保典範度人間A Role Model of Recycling Volunteer20130630 環保典範度人間A Role Model of Recycling Volunteer王慮怡01-07-20130
20130625 把握人生弘善行 Ending Suffering Through Giving 20130625 把握人生弘善行 Ending Suffering Through Giving 王慮怡26-06-20130
20130530-- Sowing Blessings by Being Filial and Doing Good求福不如多造福 20130530-- Sowing Blessings by Being Filial and Doing Good求福不如多造福 王慮怡03-06-20130
20130522—Looking After Our Minds and Inspiring Love in Others 依循菩提入人群20130522—Looking After Our Minds and Inspiring Love in Others 依循菩提入人群王慮怡23-05-20130
20130521-- Persevering in Giving with Love恆持善念結好緣20130521-- Persevering in Giving with Love恆持善念結好緣王慮怡22-05-20130
20130516--The True Meaning of Filial Piety精進不懈勿矜誇20130516--The True Meaning of Filial Piety精進不懈勿矜誇王慮怡20-05-20130
20130419--Safeguarding Our Pure Hearts of Goodness  守心傳孝善天下20130419--Safeguarding Our Pure Hearts of Goodness 守心傳孝善天下王慮怡19-05-20130
20130504 --Celebrating Tzu Chi’s Anniversary: A Global Dharma Assembly雲端視訊同精進20130504 --Celebrating Tzu Chi’s Anniversary: A Global Dharma Assembly雲端視訊同精進王慮怡15-05-20130
20130413—Being Spiritually Rich (心靈富有樂助人)20130413—Being Spiritually Rich (心靈富有樂助人)王慮怡26-04-20130
20130406--- The Importance of Eating Vegetarian (齋戒益身又護生)20130406--- The Importance of Eating Vegetarian (齋戒益身又護生)王慮怡07-04-20130
20130404---Living By the Dharma (行不離法履正道)20130404---Living By the Dharma (行不離法履正道)王慮怡05-04-20130
20130401---The Essence of the Jing Dharma Lineage (落實佛法生活化)20130401---The Essence of the Jing Dharma Lineage (落實佛法生活化)王慮怡01-04-20130
20130331---Spreading the Message of filial Piety and Passing on the Dharma (報答親恩揚孝道)20130331---Spreading the Message of filial Piety and Passing on the Dharma (報答親恩揚孝道)王慮怡01-04-20130
20130328--- Pooling everyone’s Love Together for the Common Good 20130328--- Pooling everyone’s Love Together for the Common Good 王慮怡28-03-20130
20130327---Today in Tzu Chi`s History  (難行能行現希望)20130327---Today in Tzu Chi`s History (難行能行現希望)王慮怡27-03-20130
20130326--- Making Good Use  of Our Bodies and Resources  (法親相惜立典範)20130326--- Making Good Use of Our Bodies and Resources (法親相惜立典範)王慮怡27-03-20130
20130323---Cherish Water and Have a Peaceful Heart  (珍惜水源調心地)20130323---Cherish Water and Have a Peaceful Heart (珍惜水源調心地)王慮怡25-03-20130
20130320---Taming Our Minds to Mitigate Disasters(眾生共業惑業苦)20130320---Taming Our Minds to Mitigate Disasters(眾生共業惑業苦)王慮怡20-03-20130
20130314---Taming Our Mind and Doing Good to Benefit Humanity(籲淨心靈利人群)20130314---Taming Our Mind and Doing Good to Benefit Humanity(籲淨心靈利人群)王慮怡14-03-20130
20130311---The Silent Mentors’ Gift of Love (拓展人生現光彩)20130311---The Silent Mentors’ Gift of Love (拓展人生現光彩)王慮怡12-03-20130
20130306-- Sowing Blessings by Giving with Love(欲得平安造福因) 20130306-- Sowing Blessings by Giving with Love(欲得平安造福因) 王慮怡08-03-20130
20130307---Cherishing Resources and Bringing Hope Through Education (惜水積福弘人文)20130307---Cherishing Resources and Bringing Hope Through Education (惜水積福弘人文)王慮怡08-03-20130
20121216—Nurturing Compassion by Living a Simple Life (簡樸增長慈悲心)20121216—Nurturing Compassion by Living a Simple Life (簡樸增長慈悲心)月亮31-12-20120
20121211—Persevering on the Path of Tzu Chi (發心如初傳法脈)20121211—Persevering on the Path of Tzu Chi (發心如初傳法脈)月亮12-12-20120
20121210-- The Great Love in Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital (白袍大愛澤廣被)20121210-- The Great Love in Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital (白袍大愛澤廣被)月亮11-12-20120
20121206--Giving with Love(看見臺灣‧人間至情)20121206--Giving with Love(看見臺灣‧人間至情)月亮10-12-20120
20121205--Walking the Tzu Chi Path with a Buddha Heart(人間菩薩行六度)20121205--Walking the Tzu Chi Path with a Buddha Heart(人間菩薩行六度)月亮06-12-20120
20121204--Witnessing Selfless Love Around the World (無私大愛暢通行)20121204--Witnessing Selfless Love Around the World (無私大愛暢通行)月亮05-12-20120
20121202--The Need to Recruit More Bodhisattvas (珍惜光陰勤行道)20121202--The Need to Recruit More Bodhisattvas (珍惜光陰勤行道)月亮03-12-20120
20121201-- Striving for Wondrous Medical Care(提升醫療微妙法)20121201-- Striving for Wondrous Medical Care(提升醫療微妙法)月亮02-12-20120
20121129-- Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Inspiring More Living Bodhisattvas(藍天菩薩救苦難)20121129-- Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Inspiring More Living Bodhisattvas(藍天菩薩救苦難)月亮30-11-20120
20121128--Walking the Bodhisattva Path with Firm Conviction(化不可能為真實)20121128--Walking the Bodhisattva Path with Firm Conviction(化不可能為真實)月亮29-11-20120
20110502 --- The Three Ways of Giving (三施平行喜豐收)20110502 --- The Three Ways of Giving (三施平行喜豐收)如意02-05-20110
20110402 --- Believing in the Buddha's Insight and the Principle of Collective Karma (自淨心意種好因)20110402 --- Believing in the Buddha's Insight and the Principle of Collective Karma (自淨心意種好因)如意15-04-20110
20110401 --- Practicing Loving-kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity to Benefit All (四無量心濟蒼生)20110401 --- Practicing Loving-kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity to Benefit All (四無量心濟蒼生)如意13-04-20110
20110323 --- Inspiring All to Give Selflessly with Joy (募心付出無我相)20110323 --- Inspiring All to Give Selflessly with Joy (募心付出無我相)如意26-03-20110
20110322 --- Practicing the Four Bodhisattva Virtues (以四攝法隨緣度)20110322 --- Practicing the Four Bodhisattva Virtues (以四攝法隨緣度)如意25-03-20110
20110321 --- Refraining from Wrongdoing and Accumulating Good Karma (???????)20110321 --- Refraining from Wrongdoing and Accumulating Good Karma (???????)??24-03-20110
20110318 --- Reaching Out with Love to Disaster Survivors in Japan (募您一分愛心關懷)20110318 --- Reaching Out with Love to Disaster Survivors in Japan (募您一分愛心關懷)如意21-03-20110
20110317 --- Practicing Moral Discipline, Samadhi, and Wisdom (悲心同體萬物情)20110317 --- Practicing Moral Discipline, Samadhi, and Wisdom (悲心同體萬物情)如意18-03-20110
20110315 --- Practicing Vegetarianism and Repentance with Sincere Piety (虔敬入法修心行)20110315 --- Practicing Vegetarianism and Repentance with Sincere Piety (虔敬入法修心行)如意15-03-20110
20110312 --- Japan's Earthquake: A Wake-up Call (強震襲日釀浩劫)20110312 --- Japan's Earthquake: A Wake-up Call (強震襲日釀浩劫)如意13-03-20110
20110309 --- The Need to Become Vegetarian (立願恆住心不動)20110309 --- The Need to Become Vegetarian (立願恆住心不動)如意09-03-20110
20110305 ---Guarding Our Mind from Temptations (心靈的防火牆)20110305 ---Guarding Our Mind from Temptations (心靈的防火牆)如意05-03-20110
20110302 --- Making Great, Selfless Vows to Guide All onto the Bodhisattva Path (反觀自性除心垢)20110302 --- Making Great, Selfless Vows to Guide All onto the Bodhisattva Path (反觀自性除心垢)如意02-03-20110
20101106 --- Waking Up to the Real State of Our World (與天下安危共生息)20101106 --- Waking Up to the Real State of Our World (與天下安危共生息)如意25-02-20110
20110223--Repenting Deeply to Return to Our True Nature(學佛調心守人倫)20110223--Repenting Deeply to Return to Our True Nature(學佛調心守人倫)月亮24-02-20110
20110122--Vowing to Walk the Bodhisattva Path Life after Life(願世世常行菩薩道)20110122--Vowing to Walk the Bodhisattva Path Life after Life(願世世常行菩薩道)月亮23-02-20110
20110221--Respecting the Life of All Creatures(六道輪迴互為親)20110221--Respecting the Life of All Creatures(六道輪迴互為親)月亮22-02-20110
20110218--Creating a Cycle of Goodness in Society(守善少欲明明德)20110218--Creating a Cycle of Goodness in Society(守善少欲明明德)月亮18-02-20110
20110128 --- Serving as Examples to Inspire Others (從己立典範)20110128 --- Serving as Examples to Inspire Others (從己立典範)如意10-02-20110
20110208- Living Out True Principles in Our Daily Lives (法理無相應萬用)20110208- Living Out True Principles in Our Daily Lives (法理無相應萬用)如意10-02-20110
20101105 --- Seeds of Love Sprouting in the Philippines (耕耘心田長智慧)20101105 --- Seeds of Love Sprouting in the Philippines (耕耘心田長智慧)如意08-02-20110
20110126 --- Awakening the Budhisattva Within (喚醒內在的菩薩心)20110126 --- Awakening the Budhisattva Within (喚醒內在的菩薩心)如意30-01-20110
20110123-- Purifying Our Hearts by Letting Go of Attachments (佛法入心與入行)20110123-- Purifying Our Hearts by Letting Go of Attachments (佛法入心與入行)如意24-01-20110
20110117--The Bodhisattva Spirit: The Four Immeasurable Minds(四無量心的真諦)20110117--The Bodhisattva Spirit: The Four Immeasurable Minds(四無量心的真諦)月亮19-01-20110
20101026-- Reaching Out to Those in Need with Selfless Great Love (平順即福秉戒慎)20101026-- Reaching Out to Those in Need with Selfless Great Love (平順即福秉戒慎)如意17-01-20110
20110115-- Walking the Bodhisattva Path Toward Awakening(覺悟的道路)20110115-- Walking the Bodhisattva Path Toward Awakening(覺悟的道路)月亮16-01-20110
20101022-- Encouraging Recycling to Bring About Favorable Weather (物歸源頭‧戒慎虔誠)20101022-- Encouraging Recycling to Bring About Favorable Weather (物歸源頭‧戒慎虔誠)如意13-01-20110
20110112--Living Out the Value of Life(開顯生命真實義)20110112--Living Out the Value of Life(開顯生命真實義)月亮13-01-20110
20101018-- Environmental Protection--- The Great Cause of Our Times (落實環保淨土現)20101018-- Environmental Protection--- The Great Cause of Our Times (落實環保淨土現)如意09-01-20110
20110107--Aspiring to Be a Living Bodhisattva(發心立願為菩薩)20110107--Aspiring to Be a Living Bodhisattva(發心立願為菩薩)月亮09-01-20110
20101015-- Mitigating Disasters by Protecting the Earth through Recycling (世間萬象涵聖諦)20101015-- Mitigating Disasters by Protecting the Earth through Recycling (世間萬象涵聖諦)如意07-01-20110
20101014-- Practicing Compassion and Wisdom with a Pure and Tranquil Heart (靜寂清澄如琉璃)20101014-- Practicing Compassion and Wisdom with a Pure and Tranquil Heart (靜寂清澄如琉璃)如意06-01-20110
20101013-- Seizing Every Moment to Pass on Tzu Chi's Dharma and Spirit (預見法脈傳承)20101013-- Seizing Every Moment to Pass on Tzu Chi's Dharma and Spirit (預見法脈傳承)如意04-01-20110
20101009-- A Path for Finding Our Buddha Nature and Creating Blessings for the World (法緣恆續同造福)20101009-- A Path for Finding Our Buddha Nature and Creating Blessings for the World (法緣恆續同造福)如意01-01-20110
20101007-- Holding On to Our Vow to Walk the Bodhisattva Path (千里求法意志堅)20101007-- Holding On to Our Vow to Walk the Bodhisattva Path (千里求法意志堅)如意30-12-20100
20101001-- Tzu Chi's Cultural Mission: Purifying Minds and Nurturing Wisdom (慧命工程正人心)20101001-- Tzu Chi's Cultural Mission: Purifying Minds and Nurturing Wisdom (慧命工程正人心)如意24-12-20100
20101220--Giving Our Life Greater Meaning (開拓人生的深度)20101220--Giving Our Life Greater Meaning (開拓人生的深度)月亮21-12-20100
20100924-- TIMA Members: Relieving Suffering and Inspiring Love (慈濟人醫年會欣圓緣)20100924-- TIMA Members: Relieving Suffering and Inspiring Love (慈濟人醫年會欣圓緣)如意17-12-20100
20101214--ing Care of Our Minds and Seizing Time to Give of Ourselves (淨心為善廣造福)20101214--ing Care of Our Minds and Seizing Time to Give of Ourselves (淨心為善廣造福)月亮17-12-20100
20100919-- Being Viligant and Sincerely Pious in the Face of Typhoon Fanapi (防颱戒慎祈無災)20100919-- Being Viligant and Sincerely Pious in the Face of Typhoon Fanapi (防颱戒慎祈無災)如意15-12-20100
20101213--A Medical Culture of Renwen in Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital (詠慈院‧美人文)20101213--A Medical Culture of Renwen in Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital (詠慈院‧美人文)月亮15-12-20100
20100922 -- TIMA Convention: A Gathering of Humane Doctor (中秋團圓‧人醫慈航)20100922 -- TIMA Convention: A Gathering of Humane Doctor (中秋團圓‧人醫慈航)如意10-12-20100
20101202--Nurturing the Seeds of Hope (最美好的新芽)20101202--Nurturing the Seeds of Hope (最美好的新芽)月亮03-12-20100
20100921-- A Result of Everyone's Joint Effort (平安即福互關懷)20100921-- A Result of Everyone's Joint Effort (平安即福互關懷)如意03-12-20100
20100915-- Caring for the Earth by Recycling Resources (清淨源頭護地球)20100915-- Caring for the Earth by Recycling Resources (清淨源頭護地球)如意01-12-20100
20101121--The True Meaning of Merit (真妙功德‧清流入心)20101121--The True Meaning of Merit (真妙功德‧清流入心)月亮24-11-20100
20101119--Cultivating Blessings and Wisdom by Doing Recycling Work(修福啟慧妙道場)20101119--Cultivating Blessings and Wisdom by Doing Recycling Work(修福啟慧妙道場)月亮20-11-20100
20101118--Protecting the Environment for a Better Tomorrow(愛心福人居福地)20101118--Protecting the Environment for a Better Tomorrow(愛心福人居福地)月亮19-11-20100
20100912 -- Cherishing Resources and Extending Their Lifespan (疼惜資源續物命)20100912 -- Cherishing Resources and Extending Their Lifespan (疼惜資源續物命)如意21-10-20100
20100910-- Treasuring Our Resources Through Recycling (菩薩人文教育站)20100910-- Treasuring Our Resources Through Recycling (菩薩人文教育站)如意16-10-20100
20100909 -- Recycling Volunteers---Giving with Love and Mindfulness (百千萬手惜物命)20100909 -- Recycling Volunteers---Giving with Love and Mindfulness (百千萬手惜物命)如意15-10-20100
20100908-- Expressing Gratitude to Recycling Volunteers (感恩環保二十年)20100908-- Expressing Gratitude to Recycling Volunteers (感恩環保二十年)如意14-10-20100
20100907-- Sowing the Bodhi Seed Within and Living Out the Teachings of the Sutra (善護心念鑄史跡)20100907-- Sowing the Bodhi Seed Within and Living Out the Teachings of the Sutra (善護心念鑄史跡)如意12-10-20100
20100905-- Changing Misconceptions about "Ghost Month" (孝親感恩歡喜月)20100905-- Changing Misconceptions about "Ghost Month" (孝親感恩歡喜月)如意04-10-20100
20100904-- The Inspiring Story of Ji Hui,Tzu Chi Volunteer in Jordan (溫柔的巨人)20100904-- The Inspiring Story of Ji Hui,Tzu Chi Volunteer in Jordan (溫柔的巨人)如意04-10-20100
20100903-- Tzu Chi's Advanced Surgical Simulations Realized by Body Donors' Selfless Giving (臨床教學再進階)20100903-- Tzu Chi's Advanced Surgical Simulations Realized by Body Donors' Selfless Giving (臨床教學再進階)如意29-09-20100
20100902-- Cherishing and Conserving Nature's Resources (???????)20100902-- Cherishing and Conserving Nature's Resources (???????)??23-09-20100
20100901-- Returning to Our True Nature of Goodness in the Face of Life's Impermanence (秋颱無常應防備)20100901-- Returning to Our True Nature of Goodness in the Face of Life's Impermanence (秋颱無常應防備)如意20-09-20100
20100831-- Bringing About Peace and Harmony by Inspiring Love and Goodness in People (鄰里互愛種福因)20100831-- Bringing About Peace and Harmony by Inspiring Love and Goodness in People (鄰里互愛種福因)如意17-09-20100
20100825-- Adopting Correct Faith to Eliminate Superstitions (吉祥七月淨三業)20100825-- Adopting Correct Faith to Eliminate Superstitions (吉祥七月淨三業)如意31-08-20100
20100823-- The Birth of Tzu Chi's Recycling Movement (回溯環保二十年)20100823-- The Birth of Tzu Chi's Recycling Movement (回溯環保二十年)如意25-08-20100
未得到回復的提問 結果 1 100 總共 109