結果 1 關于

"the inspiring story of ji hui tzu chi volunteer in jordan..."

20100904-- The Inspiring Story of Ji Hui,Tzu Chi Volunteer in Jordan (溫柔的巨人)
Date: September 4th,2010 (Saturday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: The Inspiring Story of Ji Hui,Tzu Chi Volunteer in Jordan 溫柔的巨人 A Tzu Chivolunteer, Chen Chou-haw (Ji Hui) said: "When you give it, you must said “Thank you.” "Yes
20130522—Looking After Our Minds and Inspiring Love in Others 依循菩提入人群
20130522—Looking After Our Minds and Inspiring Love in Others 依循菩提入人群 I collect recyclables for Tzu Chi. The grandma we see truly warms my heart. As she is poor and ill, Tzu Chi volunteers have been visiting her regularly, bringing her love and care
20121129-- Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Inspiring More Living Bodhisattvas(藍天菩薩救苦難)
Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Inspiring More Living Bodhisattvas (藍天菩薩救苦難) (Tzu Chi volunteers) Yesterday, we distributed aid to 561 families and 164 volunteers came to help. We hope to take the opportunity to inspire more people to give and
20110126 --- Awakening the Budhisattva Within (喚醒內在的菩薩心)
Date: January 26th, 2011 (Wednesday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Awakening the Budhisattva Within 喚醒內在的菩薩心 A footage showed a winter aid distributions on Jan. 25th , 1989 at the Jing Si Abod. For the winter aid distributions, before giving
20101121--The True Meaning of Merit (真妙功德‧清流入心)
Date: November 21th, 2010 Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: The True Meaning of Merit (真妙功德‧清流入心) We see a scene of joy and celebration and one full of hope and promise. It was the official inauguration of the homes Tzu Chi built in Guangming
20130630 環保典範度人間A Role Model of Recycling Volunteer
20130630 環保典範度人間A Role Model of Recycling Volunteer Please give me a bag, a bag. What I as one person can do is limited, so we need more people, like the bodhisattva with a thousand eyes and hands. Right? You can be part of the thousand hands. A person
20110323 --- Inspiring All to Give Selflessly with Joy (募心付出無我相)
Date: March 23th, 2011 (Wednesday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Inspiring All to Give Selflessly with Joy 募心付出無我相 “And then I see that you have all of your family donated the money. Why you do that?” “We wan to help.” “I donated all the
20100924-- TIMA Members: Relieving Suffering and Inspiring Love (慈濟人醫年會欣圓緣)
Date: September 24th, 2010 (Friday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: TIMA Members: Relieving Suffering and Inspiring Love 慈濟人醫年會欣圓緣 The annual convention for our international medical association, TIMA, drew to an end yesterday. Everyone was
20100831-- Bringing About Peace and Harmony by Inspiring Love and Goodness in People (鄰里互愛種福因)
Date: August 31th,2010 (Tuesday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Bringing About Peace and Harmony by Inspiring Love and Goodness inPeople 鄰里互愛種福因 Many of you may still remember that seven years ago today, on August 31, 2003, a big fire brokeout i
20120302 --- Inspiring Love in People with Compassion and Wisdom (善入佛慧達諸法)
Date: March 2nd, 2012 (Friday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Inspiring Love in People with Compassion and Wisdom 善入佛慧達諸法 I’m grateful to Taiwan’s Council of Agriculture. Last year, they provided Tzu Chi with nearly 7,000 tons of rice, while
結果 1 10 總共 10
關于 "the inspiring story of ji hui tzu chi volunteer in jordan..."