結果 1 關于

"cherishing resources and extending their lifespan 疼惜資源續物命..."

20100912 -- Cherishing Resources and Extending Their Lifespan (疼惜資源續物命)
Date: September 12th, 2010 (Sunday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Cherishing Resources and Extending Their Lifespan 疼惜資源續物命 This place looks bright and spacious. One couple was very kind to provide this place for us to do recycling work. Only
20100902-- Cherishing and Conserving Nature's Resources (???????)
Date: September 2nd,2010 (Thursday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Cherishing and Conserving Nature's Resources ??????? At this moment, we should be sincerely grateful. The rain that Tropical Storm Lionrock brought this time has helped raise
20130307---Cherishing Resources and Bringing Hope Through Education (惜水積福弘人文)
Lecturer: Master Cheng-Yan Subject: Cherishing Resources and Bringing Hope Through Education (惜水積福弘人文) Date: March 7, 2013 In our daily living,when we drink water or use water to cook, wash up, etc., we never feel that there’s a lack of
20100731-- Cherishing Water (警策危機勤造福)
Date: July 31th, 2010 (Staturday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Cherishing Water 警策危機勤造福 Looking around the world, I feel very worried and concerned. We see that an earthquake has hit Iran. This points to an imbalance in the Earth
20130326--- Making Good Use of Our Bodies and Resources (法親相惜立典範)
Lecturer: Master Cheng-Yan Subject: 20130326--- Making Good Use of Our Bodies and Resources (法親相惜立典範) Date: March 26, 2013 Yesterday, I learned that Mr. Lin, who was our volunteer Rui-zhen’s husband, passed away and donated his body for pathologica
20100910-- Treasuring Our Resources Through Recycling (菩薩人文教育站)
Date: September 10th,2010 (Friday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Treasuring Our Resources Through Recycling 菩薩人文教育站 Good morning, everyone. I’m sure all of you here are early risers. Is that right? (Yes) By getting up early, we are seizing
20100915-- Caring for the Earth by Recycling Resources (清淨源頭護地球)
Date: September 15th, 2010 (Wednesday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Peace and Safety: Caring for the Earth by Recycling Resources 清淨源頭護地球 Good morning, everyone (Good morning). It’s still early in the day, but you are all covered in sweat
結果 1 7 總共 7
關于 "cherishing resources and extending their lifespan 疼惜資源續物命..."