結果 1 關于

"tima convention a gathering of humane doctor 中秋團圓‧人醫慈航..."

20100922 -- TIMA Convention: A Gathering of Humane Doctor (中秋團圓‧人醫慈航)
Date: September 22th, 2010 (Wendesday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: TIMA Convention: A Gathering of Humane Doctor 中秋團圓‧人醫慈航 Today is the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival. I’d like to wish everyone and every family a happy Mid-Autumn Moon
20100924-- TIMA Members: Relieving Suffering and Inspiring Love (慈濟人醫年會欣圓緣)
Date: September 24th, 2010 (Friday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: TIMA Members: Relieving Suffering and Inspiring Love 慈濟人醫年會欣圓緣 The annual convention for our international medical association, TIMA, drew to an end yesterday. Everyone was
20110328 --- Gathering the Love of Everyone to Help the People in Japan (合心造福,里仁為美)
Date: March 28th, 2011 (Monday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Gathering the Love of Everyone to Help the People in Japan 合心造福,里仁為美 Every day is rich with history. On March 27, 2009, there was a camp for people from the business sector in Taiwa
結果 1 3 總共 3
關于 "tima convention a gathering of humane doctor 中秋團圓‧人醫慈航..."