結果 1 關于

"seizing every moment to pass on tzu chi 039 s dharma and ..."

20101013-- Seizing Every Moment to Pass on Tzu Chi's Dharma and Spirit (預見法脈傳承)
Date: October 13th, 2010 (Wednesday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Seizing Every Moment to Pass on Tzu Chi's Dharma and Spirit 預見法脈傳承 I often share with everyone about the need to make the most of time and space to serve and learn from the
20101214--ing Care of Our Minds and Seizing Time to Give of Ourselves (淨心為善廣造福)
Date: December 14, 2010 Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Taking Care of Our Minds and Seizing Time to Give of Ourselves (淨心為善廣造福) Every year at our Year-end Blessings Ceremonies, our sign language performance team will give a stage performance to
20110117--The Bodhisattva Spirit: The Four Immeasurable Minds(四無量心的真諦)
Date: January 17th, 2010 Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject:The Bodhisattva Spirit: The Four Immeasurable Minds(四無量心的真諦) Seeing our overseas Tzu Chi volunteers helping the local people, I’m very moved. To see Tzu Chi volunteers who live in other
20130711 入群歷練秉初心 Taking in the Dharma and Living It Out
20130711 入群歷練秉初心 Taking in the Dharma and Living It Out It’s been over six months since I last came out. Just now, I heard that many of you have been getting up early to listen to my Dharma talks at dawn I don’t ask for much. Now that you can easily
20130404---Living By the Dharma (行不離法履正道)
Lecturer: Master Cheng-Yan Subject: 20130404---Living By the Dharma (行不離法履正道) Date: April 4, 2013 Every morning, before daybreak, as I walk out (to the Buddha Hall), I always look up at the sky to see how today’s weather is. If the skies are
20120212 --- The Bodhisattva Spirit of Doctors in Tzu Chi (仁醫發揮四良能)
Date: February 12th, 2012 (Sunday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: The Bodhisattva Spirit of Doctors in Tzu Chi 仁醫發揮四良能 In the Nantou Detention Center of the Taiwan National immigration Agency, our volunteers from Tzu Chi Int’l Med. Assn. (TIMA)
20130328--- Pooling everyone’s Love Together for the Common Good
Lecturer: Master Cheng-Yan Subject: 20130328--- Pooling everyone’s Love Together for the Common Good (匯聚愛心聚善緣) Date: March 28, 2013 Yesterday, a magnitude-6.1 earthquake struck Nantou, Taiwan. As it was very shallow in depth, it was felt
20130504 --Celebrating Tzu Chi’s Anniversary: A Global Dharma Assembly雲端視訊同精進
20130504 --Celebrating Tzu Chi’s Anniversary: A Global Dharma Assembly雲端視訊同精進 Starting April 17, we held a Lotus Sutra Dharma service at the Abode where Tzu Chi volunteers all around the world participated through video conferencing. It was as
20110419 --- Cleansing Our Minds with the Water of Dharma (建立心靈的道場)
Date: April 19th, 2011 (Tuesday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Cleansing Our Minds with the Water of Dharma In the Lotus Sutra, it says: ”In the era of turbidity, living beings have a lot of impurities”. Back in the Buddha’s time, society was
20110123-- Purifying Our Hearts by Letting Go of Attachments (佛法入心與入行)
Date: January 23th, 2010 (Sunday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Purifying Our Hearts by Letting Go of Attachments 佛法入心與入行 Yesterday, we held the last of the Year-end Blessings Ceremonies for this year. The first ceremony was held on December 7
20130331---Spreading the Message of filial Piety and Passing on the Dharma (報答親恩揚孝道)
Lecturer: Master Cheng-Yan Subject: 20130331---Spreading the Message of filial Piety and Passing on the Dharma (報答親恩揚孝道) Date: March 31, 2013 The sages of the past taught that filial piety is a basic life principle and the foundation of all
20100908-- Expressing Gratitude to Recycling Volunteers (感恩環保二十年)
Date: September 8th, 2010 (Wednesday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Expressing Gratitude to Recycling Volunteers感恩環保二十年 Hello, everyone. This is our Wolong St. (臥龍街) recycling station. This is the first time I am here and I am very moved by
20130401---The Essence of the Jing Dharma Lineage (落實佛法生活化)
Lecturer: Master Cheng-Yan Subject: 20130401---The Essence of the Jing Dharma Lineage (落實佛法生活化) Date: April 1, 2013 The Tzu Chi Path and Jing Si Dharma Lineage are based on the Buddha’s teaching of walking the Bodhisattva Path. How do we walk the
結果 1 13 總共 13
關于 "seizing every moment to pass on tzu chi 039 s dharma and ..."