結果 1 關于
"waking up to the real state of our world 與天下安危共生息..."
20101106 --- Waking Up to the Real State of Our World (與天下安危共生息)
Date: November 6th, 2010 (Saturday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Waking Up to the Real State of Our World 與天下安危共生息 Why are there so many people in suffering and why are there so many disaster situations? I believe these are warning signs that
Date: November 6th, 2010 (Saturday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Waking Up to the Real State of Our World 與天下安危共生息 Why are there so many people in suffering and why are there so many disaster situations? I believe these are warning signs that
20110409 --- Helping the Quake Affectees in Myanmar (一念虔誠佑災黎)
Date: April 9th, 2011 (Saturday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Helping the Quake Affectees in Myanmar From the beginning of 2011 until now, natural disasters have been occurring all around the world. But our focus has been on Japan’s quake
Date: April 9th, 2011 (Saturday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: Helping the Quake Affectees in Myanmar From the beginning of 2011 until now, natural disasters have been occurring all around the world. But our focus has been on Japan’s quake
20140507 推己及人惜資源 Taking Care of Our Minds for a Better World
20140507 推己及人惜資源 Taking Care of Our Minds for a Better World Look at the sectarian conflict in the Central African Republic CAR. Actually, it’s not a conflict between religions, but a conflict of people’s views. And see how that has led to such brutal
20140507 推己及人惜資源 Taking Care of Our Minds for a Better World Look at the sectarian conflict in the Central African Republic CAR. Actually, it’s not a conflict between religions, but a conflict of people’s views. And see how that has led to such brutal
20101009-- A Path for Finding Our Buddha Nature and Creating Blessings for the World (法緣恆續同造福)
Date: October 9th, 2010 (Saturday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: A Path for Finding Our Buddha Nature and Creating Blessings for the World 法緣恆續同造福 Tzu Chi volunteers all around the world have come back to Hualien, Taiwan for this camp. Do you
Date: October 9th, 2010 (Saturday) Lecturer: Master Zheng-Yan Subject: A Path for Finding Our Buddha Nature and Creating Blessings for the World 法緣恆續同造福 Tzu Chi volunteers all around the world have come back to Hualien, Taiwan for this camp. Do you
20121204--Witnessing Selfless Love Around the World (無私大愛暢通行)
Lecturer: Master Cheng-Yan Subject: Witnessing Selfless Love Around the World (無私大愛暢通行) (Tzu Chi volunteers From Vietnam Brother Lin) I’d like to tell Master that I’ve fulfilled my vows of becoming a Tzu Cheng member and organizing a group to present
Lecturer: Master Cheng-Yan Subject: Witnessing Selfless Love Around the World (無私大愛暢通行) (Tzu Chi volunteers From Vietnam Brother Lin) I’d like to tell Master that I’ve fulfilled my vows of becoming a Tzu Cheng member and organizing a group to present
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關于 "waking up to the real state of our world 與天下安危共生息..."
關于 "waking up to the real state of our world 與天下安危共生息..."